Graj and Gustavsen have been Supima’s agency of record for nearly 15 years. During this time, we have helped to enhance and solidify their status as a luxury brand.
What’s amazing about AQRe™ is that Supima is leading the industry in using technology that can track and test the fabric so you know exactly where it comes from. You know the provenance, based on the terroir of the soil and the trace elements in that soil. We are able, with AQRe™, to test the fabric and pick up trace elements that we can trace back to that specific patch of soil, which in the case of Supima, is the American Southwest.
Supima is using blockchain technology to track the journey of the fabric from the seeds planted in the field, to the harvest, to the making of the yarn, to the making of the fabric, to the making of the products you wear, and finally to the store.
This ability to track and test a fabric has amazing implications, not just so you know where your fabric came from, but it also gets into the space of social justice. It means we can also track the factory where it’s made.
The ability of AQRe™, which stands for authenticity, quality, and responsibility, is a tool that allows you to know where the fabric comes from, where it’s made, and that it’s authentic Supima fabric. That’s why we say with Supima, that authenticity is the heart of luxury, because Supima is a luxury fabric, made of extra-long staple cotton.
Like many luxury brands, it’s the authenticity that makes it luxurious, and that’s why there are so many fakes. A good comparison is champagne, which can only come from France. Supima can only come from the American Southwest.
The SUPIMA® licensing program has been the cornerstone of the Supima organization for over 40 years and has been essential in highlighting and identifying all the superior products that our brand partners have been making using American-grown Pima cotton. Supima will be implementing a robust licensing platform that will further enhance the credibility and value of the SUPIMA® brand. This revolutionary platform will be a standard-setting industry benchmark for combining digital traceability and transparency with physical authentication, providing an unrivaled level of confidence in both the content and provenance of Supima products.